Monthly Archives: March 2009

The Bristolian is back!

The Bristolian is back!

I got given a copy of the back-from-the-dead Bristolian earlier!

They don’t seem to have a website at the moment, but tentative steps and all that, I’m sure things will be moving along nicely once people know it’s back in business.

This inaugural issue carries stories on:

  • the LibDem Council House coup d’état;
  • the cancellation of a new primary school in favour of a car park for Gloucestershire County Cricket Club;
  • expensive Council jargon;
  • Sustrans and the Cycling City money-go-round;
  • and (of course!) the good old recession.

They do ask that if you have “any leaks, sleaze, gossip, slander, news, views or anything else your fellow Bristolians should know about” to get in touch – email BristolianNews AT

Look out for it in shops, pubs, market stalls, community centres and newsagents!

In the meantime I’ve scanned & PDFed it so you can download your own full-size A4 printable copy – the pic above is for illustrative purposes only 😉

» Download The Bristolian #1

Leeds top boys? I shit ’em!

Leeds top boys!

More W.I. than I.D., to be honest.

PS Actually this double date might be Rovers, but they were in the thick of the Norverners being ‘escorted’ through Stokes Croft earlier, so I’m assuming they are of an out-of-town variety rather than home-grown meatheads (plus they did not seem to know their way around St. Paul’s).

Further clarification gratefully received!


Evening Post: ‘Police got Bristol Rovers crowd control wrong’

Mystery Pic #012

Mystery Pic #012

Same rules – answers in the comments please 🙂


No one got this – it’s Michael Caine in the Len Deighton spy adaptation Funeral In Berlin.

Funeral In Berlin title screen

Local politwitticians

Just updating the list on the CllrTweeps post, thought I’d put it up front too in case anyone missed it first time round.

Local councillors on Twitter:

Local MPs on Twitter:

  • Kerry McCarthy MP: KerryMP (Bristol East constituency, Labour)

Other local politicos on Twitter:

  • James Barlow: JamesBarlow (Conservative constituency chairman, Bristol West)
  • Paul Smith: BristolWestPaul (prospective Parliamentary candidate, Bristol West, Labour)

Local media types on Twitter:

  • Marc Cooper: BristolCoops (Evening Post website editor)
  • Mike Norton: Bristol_Editor (Evening Post editor, not twittered since August 08)

Mystery Pic #011

Mystery Pic #011

Answers. In. The. Comments. Please.


No correct answer having been put forward, I hereby announce that this is from Blow Out, the Conversation/Blow Up-splicing conspiracy thriller from everyone’s favourite sadosexual Hitchcock hat-tipper Brian De Palma.

Blow Out title screen

Mystery Pic #010

Mystery Pic #010

Place thine answers below, verily!


No winners on this – it’s James Coburn as a one-armed scout in Peckinpah’s Major Dundee.

Major Dundee title screen

Mystery Pic #009

Mystery Pic #009

Place your answers below, please 🙂


No one got this, either – it’s from The Exorcist.

The Exorcist title screen

Mystery Pic #008

Mystery Pic #008

Place your guesses in the comments!


No one got this – it’s Steven Soderbergh’s The Limey.

The Limey title screen

Mystery Pic #007

Mystery Pic #007

Nigel has been fretting that these pic comps are too hard, so I’m going to throw up a cluster and see how many of them are gettable…

Place your guesses in the comments box, please, ladies and gentlemen!


People, I am very disappointed in you! It’s George Lazenby as James Bond from On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, the underappreciated 007 flick in which our one-term spy gets married to Diana Rigg!

On Her Majesty's Secret Service title screen

Milan’s Magnum

Milan? Why the fuck was you drinking Magnum? Hello? Why the fuck was you drinking Magnum? Why the fuck was you drinking Magnum? Why the fuck was you drinking the alcoholic drink Magnum what Ayesha gave you?

I may be wrong, but I think the young lady inquiring after her friend’s recent choice of quaff by way of mobile telephone on my doorstep just now may have meant Magner’s, but who knows.

NTBCW #002: Cheryl Baker – from Buck’s Fizz to Yippee Ki Yay, Motherfucker

Cheryl Baker from Buck's Fizz

This is Cheryl Baker from early eighties Eurovision-winning pop group Buck’s Fizz, who subsequently presented her own Saturday morning kids’ cookery programme, Eggs ‘N’ Baker before joining the Record Breakers team.

NTBCW#002: Cheryl Baker in Road House

This is Cheryl Baker from late eighties Patrick Swayze vehicle Road House, in which her husband (pictured centre) offers a grope of her chest to any man for $20. If you missed her performance as ‘Well-Endowed Wife’, perhaps you recall her in Die Hard, where as the more simply named ‘Woman’ she was dragged from her half-dressed office party tryst with a co-worker by sleek-haired European terrorists (see below).

NTBCW #002: Cheryl Baker in Die Hard

I understand that she has also had roles in Steve Martin’s LA Story (Changing Room Woman) and Lethal Weapon (Girl In Shower #1). If I can track these down, I shall add them here.

Mystery Pic #006

Mystery Pic #006

No closure on Mystery Pic #005 yet, but let’s battle on with number six… Usual rules, place your answers in the comments section below, ta.


Eva correctly identified the film – it’s Syriana.

Syriana title screen